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What brand are we building today?What do you do? *plumbing/restaurant/accountingAccountingAerospace IndustryAgricultureBusinessComputer IndustryConstructionEducationElectronicsEntertainmentHome IndustryEnergyTelecommunicationsFoodGamingHealth CareHospitalityManufacturingMusicMiningNews MediaTransport IndustryPharmaceuticalWorld Wide WebOtherRetail/Store/Shopchoose a business industry/categorySince you chose other? fill in!what industry are you in?When can we start working?When would you like to begin? *MonthSelect month123456789101112DaySelect day12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031YearSelect Year20302029202820272026202520242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987198619851984198319821981198019791978197719761975197419731972197119701969196819671966196519641963196219611960What's your favorite color?What color best fits your brand? *RedOrangeYellowGreenBluePurpleOtherStart characterizing your imageWhat colors do you like?Where can we help at?Why do you want to work with ATX-WD? *You already knowGain more moneyGain more clientsScalabilityLongevityAll of the aboveOtherYour Goals!How long have you been in business? *12-55-1010+amount in yearsHow can we help you? How is your computer skills? texting, photos, email, social media, HTML👌Are you a techie? *Please select an optionBeginnerIntermediateExpert LevelNoobyour computer technical level?Almost there!Continue! Your position and timeline are being builtDo you have a Logo? *YesNoHow many employees do you have? *Just me22-1010-3030 +No logo, its okInterestingly enough! I'm a designer and I'll create or help finish your logo design if needed, not a problem!Perfect BrandHallelujah! We'll help build up your brands look and feel then implement it in all your marketing materials!Here's where you're at!Starting great Well, you might be needing a free website which is a great place to start! let's go, you'll have the first 100+ clients rolling soon.Here's where you're at!Sweet, Most likely we'll need to get you a free website which is a great thing because then you can start growing your brand to 200+ clients! Here's where you're at! (G)Ground Level Congrats, you're currently at the ground level which is a great place to be!Here's where you're at! (E)Established Congrats, you're currently established which is a great place to be!Here's where you're at! (FC)First-Class Congrats, you're currently at the first-class level which is an amazing place to be!I'd love to get you started on this journey!I think we should implement a plan quickly. I can help you the most out of other businesses.You're making the best choice for the life of your business with this marketing plan. Please take this seriously and consider a real brand manager.I don't know that we can help you as fast, but I sure will do my best. Please continue to see if it's at least worth it.Have any clients or loyal fans?Current Client Base *0 - 5050 - 100 clients100 - 200200 - 500500+Don't stress we got you!Creating a timeline for you! This will help track progress on goals.Estimated time to reach goals, from Ground ZeroTimeline Will take you about45 days to get to Ground Level, the time can vary depending on a few factors, continue for accuracy.Estimated time to reach your goals, from Ground LevelTimeline Will take you 30-90 days to get to Established The time can vary a little, but I will be sure to do everything possible to ensure you have the tools to get there!Estimated time to reach your goals, from EstablishedTimeline Will take you 60 - 90 days to get to First Class level and I think you got it in you, let's add some new products, services and marketing campaigns to your arsenal.Estimated time to reach your goals, from First ClassGoals Timeline Will take you 90 days to get to Custom Plan, this is an elite level, so it is not for the faint of heart. I assure that our team will be dedicated to your progress every step of the way.Big Time! (CP)Wow, congrats, Our calculations show that you might be in the one percent of businesses in the US...Example!Spending yetGota Spend some, to make someAnnual Marketing Budget$0 - $100$100 - $500$1,000 - $2,000$2,000 - $5,000$5,000 - $10,000$25,000 +Time saving plansCalculations on next pageYour estimate is being created! Continue with a little more info...Who are you?Company NameCurrent Brand PageUse your social media if no other!Calculations are ready, nextLet's put together your plugins to configure your dashboard! (G)Hello, noob, just kidding. I'm so happy that you're here in fact this is the best place to be! Let me show you how to rapidly advance to the next level.Let's put together your plugins to configure your dashboard!Hello, hard worker, I'd like to create a special plan that fits your budget and meets the needs of your growing aspirations.Let's put together your plugins to configure your dashboard! (GL)Hello, hard worker, I'd like to create a special plan that fits your budget and meets the needs of your growing aspirations.Let's put together your plugins to configure your dashboard! (E)Hello bud, I've been at it for over 15 /yrs. straight putting together the best business models for all types of industries if you let me. I will do the same for you and increase your bottom line.Let's put together your plugins to configure your dashboard! (FC)Hello, winner, I'd like to create a special plan to create a strong brand for businesses like yours. It's a tough place to be and the work it took you to get here is not easy. Do yourself a favor a take a little break, I got this. Continue so I can show you what I can do...Let's put together your plugins to configure your dashboard! (CP)Wow, congrats, our calculations show you are in fact a 1% business in the US economy! Demetrio has something special for you...Sole Proprietor?Lone wolf! Hey, it looks like you might be in this thing alone, I've given you an extra 50$off.Would you like to see our deductions?YesNoDeductionsI'm in my first 2 yrs of businessI have a websiteI am a studentI'm a start-upHow did you hear about us?Social MediaGoogleFriendsFamilyNieghborDemetrioCalculations readyHere is your estimate! Get started below...Would you like me to set up your server?Yes, please do so!No, I got it!not sure, want to learn moreYou can also set it up yourself!Sub TotalApproximately $Per/yrName *Email Address *Try our knowledgebase for info!ContinueSave Estimate as DraftPlease do not fill in this field.